Weaving communities to co-create a regenerative future.

(1)A community of individuals who believe that ancestral knowledge is crucial for creating positive social and environmental change.


(2)A collaborative network and indigenous cultural resiliency DAO.


(1) Implement art for cultural and environmental preservation to fund the expansion and economic reinsertion of local cooperatives.

(2) Nurture a platform that shares and protects indigenous knowledge through blockchain technology.

Want to learn more?


Community of individuals that are value aligned:

Diversity in skill sets/ experiences with the shared belief that ancestral/indigenous knowledge is essential to co-creating a regenerative future with positive social and environmental impact.

Connects with

Indigenous rural communities and leaders

to create a value aligned

DAO= nōdo

Virtual and physical community hubs:

Gathering local changemakers that are value aligned.




  • Discount to physical IRL events.

  • Access to virtual events.

  • First ones to find out about upcoming projects.

  • Access to monthly newsletter.

  • Courses coming in 2024.


  • Looking for the out of the box thinkers, the rebels, the changemakers, the creatives.

  • We are a value aligned community of change agents that co-creates from our diverse skill sets (diversity + density = innovation).

  • Open call to all indigenous cooperatives/coalitions, community leaders, creators, tech wizards, entrepreneurs, social impact professionals, permaculture/renewable energy connoisseurs, finance experts, legal masters, etc.

Interested in joining?

Stay tuned for our NFT membership launch.



  • Looking for the ones that are willing to "walk the talk", people that don't only share the values and beliefs but that are willing to work in co-creation to support social and environmental impact coops.

Stay tuned for our Art NFT membership to fund the launch of local coop.


  • Pre-mint access.

  • Smaller nodes of accountability and networking.

  • Idea pitch opportunities.

  • Greater engagement in community.

  • Possibility through PoW (proof of work) to be chosen to attend a free retreat to weave between communities.



  • Nodo Allies will join a brainstorming/ idea pitching process where the 12 people most involved and relevant pitches will get a chance to join the local indigenous community in the co-creation of their DAO and social entrepreneurship.

  • These 12 chosen changemakers will get the opportunity to join a 10 day retreat with: mixed circles, human connection activities, play and hikes where the last 5 days will act as an incubator for the elaboration of a social entrepreneurship business plan/ coop.

Only join through proof of work after being a nōdo ally.


  • Access to an all paid retreat to co-create with local coop and indigenous leaders: bridging communities.

  • 6 people chosen by the local indigenous community will get to co-create the business plan and fund the legal entity through a separate DAO (away from the nōdo structure) that will act as an angel investor for a social entrepreneurship/coop owned by the indigenous community.  The creators that form part of this DAO will have the ability to receive dividends quarterly for their participation and support in the launch. 

To learn more about this stay tuned to the funding of the community DAO!



  • Indigenous communities and leaders.


  • Core of the community, all of the voting rights/ board members, all decisions regarding the use of indigenous knowledge and local coop initiatives pass through them.

nōdo root members have the highest percentage of voting rights: indigenous knowledge is at the forefront of social and environmental change. Just some examples of what this means:

  • Non-linear mindset, fractal mentality.

  • Time as cyclical and recurring, nothing is static.

  • Ayllu- family/community nucleus, co-creation as a way of living.

  • Community based: decentralized but centralized in internal leadership and sovereignty.

  • Ayni- reciprocity, “when I can give, I give, when I can receive, I receive.”

  • Humanity is intrinsically interconnected with nature, the way we relate to each other is the way we relate to nature and vice versa.




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Event in Cusco

Date, Location

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Event in Miami

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Event in Lima

Do you live in Lima? Wanna be more updated in local events? Join our Lima Telegram chat

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Upcoming twitter space: nōdo intro

Twitter Spaces Weekly

Saturday May 27th, @10am EST time


Mark your calendars:


  • Come support nōdo community bridges in presenting nōdo in the Blockchaincon Latam 2023 June 8-10 in Lima


  • Equinox Nodo membership (early adopter launch)

  • stay tuned for more info

  • wanna be reminded? (leave us your e-mail or join our telegram channel)

    Art Basel launch in Miami with satellite events in Lima and Cusco

  • stay tuned for more info

  • wanna be reminded? (leave us your e-mail or join our telegram channel)

    December Solstice Event in Peru (joining Cusco and Lima communities)

  • stay tuned for more info

  • wanna be reminded? (leave us your e-mail or join our telegram channel)

Meet The Quico Community

The Q’EROS COMMUNITY is comprised of 5 nations that didn't have connection with “modern” society until 10 years ago.  The last nation to get connected was the furthest one, the QUICO NATION. 

The QUICO NATION is located 8 hours away from the city of Cusco at 16,400 ft altitude.   

They have been preserving the Andean ancestral knowledge for generations through: traditions, stories, art, and ways to relate to nature that society so desperately needs.

Let us join forces and co-create a better way to inter-relate to each other and to nature!



  • Nodo is an indigenous cultural resiliency DAO that uses art for cultural and environmental preservation to fund the expansion and economic reinsertion of local cooperatives and provide a platform for indigenous knowledge to be shared and protected through blockchain technology.

  • The overarching objectives of nōdo are to:

    1) Amplify indigenous voices,

    2) Allow communities to self-fund their economic reinsertion in support of a larger value-led community, and

    3) Preserve knowledge as an asset for the ones who have safeguarded and maintained it.

  • The main problems nōdo is trying to solve are:

    1) Limited access to cultural resources and infrastructure,

    2) Inadequate representation and recognition of indigenous cultural rights, and

    3) Exploitation of native cultural heritage without their consent or benefit.

  • The solution proposed by nōdo is to use indigenous knowledge for positive social and environmental change. nōdo aims to establish a global community of individuals who share the conviction that returning to our roots is crucial in co-creating a thriving future. The use of web3 technology is a way to assure cultural, environmental, and economic autonomy for indigenous communities.

  • The mission of nōdo is to advance positive social and environmental change through the valuation and preservation of ancestral knowledge. nōdo aims to establish a global community of individuals who share the conviction that returning to our roots is crucial in co-creating a thriving future.

  • The vision of nōdo is to create a network of sovereign, connected, and resilient indigenous communities globally, within a larger network of individuals who share the same belief systems.

  • The steps proposed by nōdo to achieve their mission and vision are:

    1. Activate local and virtual community hubs, start web3 education initiative and start having round table talks.

    2. Quico proof of concept, start with one women-led local coop initiative: activate coop expansion project for economic self-reinsertion separately while creating/growing community through Nodo.

    3. Physical larger events/day retreats + virtual events to enhance community connection.

    4. First NFT early adopter DAO membership sale, to go to Nodo fund.

    Stay tuned for more updates on our roadmap for 2023.

  • As a Nodo member, you will have access to exclusive features and perks within the nōdo ecosystem, as well as a voice in the direction of the project. You will also be part of a community of individuals who share the same belief systems.

  • Art is important because it is used for cultural and environmental preservation. It is also a way to transmit knowledge between generations and strengthen intergenerational ties. Art as expression allowed for co-creation and space in learning, so that one could learn what one was ready to learn.

  • Indigenous knowledge holds the key to change the world. By preserving and valuing ancestral knowledge, nōdo aims to advance positive social and environmental change.

  • Web3 technology is a way to assure cultural, environmental, and economic autonomy for indigenous communities. Traditional financial models, and non-profits end up falling in assistentialist approaches. Web3 technology provides transparency in transactions through blockchain, smart contracts tied to funds to assure the follow-through of an agreement, royalties giving back power to creators/knowledge keepers, and DAO memberships to leverage the power of a greater value-based community.

  • The objectives of the Quico project are to activate cooperative expansion projects for economic self-reinsertion separately while creating/growing community through nōdo. The project aims to fund social entrepreneurship/coop, with a percentage of earnings going to community development projects.

  • The NFT early adopter DAO membership provides funding for the project. The NFTs will be made by an intergenerational partnership of indigenous artists and a famous web3 artist.

  • The Quico DAO will allow for economic self-reinsertion for and from indigenous communities. It acts as a crowdfunding campaign for the project and provides dividends to members who get to team consolidation/retreat and act as angel investors for the local coop initiative. (in a separate legal identity than Nodo)

  • On a longer term plan- the blockchain traditional knowledge database is significant to nōdo because it is a way to preserve and share indigenous knowledge. The database is owned by indigenous communities and shared through merit-based membership.

Weaving Communities

Weaving Communities

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